Liturgical Ministries:
Altar Servers
Younger members of the community (grade 3 and up) who serve at weekend mass and special liturgies. Training is provided periodically and scheduling is done on a rotating basis with Mass preference taken into consideration. Please contact the Parish Office at 392-2710 or Deacon Rivera at [email protected].
Extra-ordinary Ministers of Communion
Members who distribute Holy Communion at Eucharistic celebrations, to the homebound, and those in nursing homes and hospitals. Training is required for this ministry and is offered several times throughout the year. For more information and training dates, please contact Carol Steiger at 392-9558.
Children’s Liturgy
A program for young children during the 10:30 am Mass. The children are dismissed before the Liturgy of the Word for their own word services and return in time to participate in the Liturgy of the Eucharist. It is a wonderful way for children to hear and understand God’s word as it is presented in an age-appropriate format. Adults serve as presenters in the program and teens assist with the children. We are always in need of both presenters and aides. Materials and training are provided. Please contact either Barbara Richardson at 392-7701 or Dave Jones at 392-5087.
Parish members who proclaim the Word (Holy Scripture) at liturgies and at other services throughout the year. Lectors are scheduled on a rotating basis with Mass preference taken into consideration. Workshops are offered periodically to train potential lectors. Contact Carol Steiger at 392-9558.
Liturgy Committee
Worship is vital to the life of the parish community. Liturgy committee members are responsible for the planning, implementation and evaluation of seasonal and special liturgies. They also serve as a resource to the parish staff regarding liturgical issues and documents. They work in conjunction with the other parish groups to ensure an environment conductive to worship and reflective of the season. Anyone who has an interest in learning about liturgical celebrations and seasons and the liturgical planning process is encouraged to contact Patty Gorman at the parish office 392-2710.
People who exercise the ministry of hospitality in the greeting and orderly seating of the congregation. Ushers also help in the collection of the monetary offerings at weekly and other liturgies. They direct and assist people, especially the physically challenged. They distribute programs and/or weekly bulletins and provide help for anyone with personal needs. Anyone over the age of 18 yrs old invited and welcome to participate in this ministry. Please contact Patty Gorman 392-2710.